Siguria Kibernetike dhe Menaxhimi I Incidenteve

Course ID
12th Grade

If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.

Lënda ‘Siguria Kibernetike dhe Menaxhimi i Incidenteve’ ofron një hyrje të thelluar në konceptet dhe praktikat kryesore të mbrojtjes së sistemeve kompjuterike dhe të dhënave nga kërcënimet kibernetike. Studentët do të mësojnë rreth teknologjive dhe strategjive për mbrojtjen e infrastrukturës dixhitale, përfshirë kriptografinë, firewall-et, dhe sistemet e zbulimit dhe parandalimit të ndërhyrjeve. Kursi gjithashtu mbulon aspektet e menaxhimit të incidenteve kibernetike, duke përfshirë identifikimin, analizën, dhe reagimin ndaj sulmeve kibernetike. Përmes studimeve të rasteve dhe laboratorëve praktikë, studentët do të fitojnë aftësi për të zbatuar masa efektive sigurie dhe për të menaxhuar në mënyrë efikase incidentet kibernetike, duke siguruar një nivel të lartë të mbrojtjes për organizatat e tyre.

  • Banking
  • Economic Policy
  • Financial Sector Management
  • Quantitative Finance
TimePlaceRoomDate RangeInstructor
9:00am – 11:00amKU2 Hill203Aug 21, 2018 – Dec 15, 2018Carol Dawson (PhD)

The programme aims to promote an understanding of the principles of legislative and an awareness of what constitutes legislative quality, how this can be achieved.

Legislative drafting is often perceived as a skill that one learns on the job.
Legislative drafting has evolved to become the bedrock of political, economic and social transformation. The view of the Institute’s Sir William Doe Centre for Legislative Studies is that legislative drafting is a practical discipline requiring awareness of the principles of drafting along with great experience on the job. It is still, however, relatively unexplored as a discipline. The PLP examines issues related to the policy process, the legislative process and the drafting process.

The PLP is aimed at those seeking a career in legislative drafting, those already working as drafters or those who want a career in or already working for, organizations that produce different types of normative acts. Many of our students are mid-career drafters employed by government (for example, by LG Chambers, the Ministry of Justice or any other ministries).

Entry requirements

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

Course structure and modules

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

How you study

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance

Career opportunities

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.


Economic Policy

Financial Sector Management

Quantitative Finance
